Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hi all,
Today was the GEBPSDCs. Because I know this will result in a lot of brain cells wasted to decipher this, I'll decipher it for you: Gifted Education Branch Primary School Debating Championships. Mrs Laura Ng posted a message about it. 
So anyway, I was chairman. This means I was the guy who goes like "You will have 4 mins to make your speech. At the 1st half minute, a bell will be rung like this (DING)..." Yup. i was also the timekeeper, which name explains itself. 
So, to talk about the first debate I chaired, between Henry Park and Radin Mas. Henry Park lost. Amazing to hear a GEP school lose to a non-GEP one, right? No offence to them. But if you were there, you would have understand what I meant. The second speaker of Henry Park was like at the end of her speech, because she was seriously rushing for time, was like "(indistingushable stuff)andthusthismotionmuststandthankyou." If I were to slow it down, "I have successfully proven to you that handphones are bad and thus this motion must stand. Thank you."
Next debate was between Bukit View Primary and St. Hilda's. No repeat of previous scenario, cause St. Hilda's won. It was sort of clear cut. Bukit View kept on harping on Obama, when they weren't even too clear about him. St. Hilda was really confident, and it was seriously outrageous, the margin which they originally won by. Then, there was serious moderation, making the margin significantly lower, but it was still a relatively large margin. 
Then, we did some cleaning up and clearing up. When I say that, I mean extreme cleaning/clearing. We had 40 mins to tidy up 32 classrooms. Sounds fun right? What if I told you the average commuting distance was 1 min between each classroom? But still, we made it. Then, we had to carry a huge pile of publicity materials from the Ops Room (which is near the clock tower) to Kong Chian Admin. It's a really really fun thing to do under the hot sun. Following that,we had to carry a box of mineral water from the Ops Room to the clock tower. Then, as a reward, we had a lunch packet that was leftover. Finally, we had to stack up chairs. 
However, all in all, even though I only had 5 hours of sleep because of the iCIT camp yesterday, (here comes the very moral oral stuff) I feel that this has enriched me greatly in terms of dealing with conflicts and I understand now that one should be responsible for his/her mistake and this is especially important for us to grow. 
Yup, that's all. As I still have tons ofstuff left undone, especially the 作文, I shall not chat longer. Adios!




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